Legal Notes

Note Legali & Copyright

Site owner:

Agriturismo La Casa sul Poggio
Via Costigliola, 8 – 16049 Santo Stefano d’Aveto (Genova) ITALY
P.Iva 01684220997 –


The texts, design and graphics on the website are the property of Agriturismo La Casa sul Poggio and have fulfilled the obligations arising from the legislation on copyright and related rights. The reproduction, distribution and even partial diffusion without the authorization of the rights holder is forbidden. The photographs on the website have fulfilled the obligations arising from the legislation on copyright and related rights and are the property of the authors of the photographs. The reproduction, distribution and dissemination of photographs, even partial, without the authorization of the rights holder is forbidden.

To the violations the sanctions foreseen by the art. 171, 171-bis, 171-ter, 174-bis and 174-ter of the law 633/1941. For information: Law 22 April 1941 n. 633


The website  is not connected to the sites advertised and is not responsible for their contents. At the time of connection, the site owner made sure that the linked websites do not contain the violent material. WebDesign: GraphicSteps

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Via Costigliola, 8 - 16049 Santo Stefano d'Aveto (Genova) ITALY
Phone: +39 0185 88018
Mobile Elisabetta: +39 347 6959716
Mobile Maddalena: +39 347 1406515

Codice di Identificazione delle struttura Regione Liguria 010056-AGR-001

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Via Costigliola, 8 - 16049 Santo Stefano d'Aveto (Genova) ITALY
Phone: +39 0185 88018
Mobile Elisabetta: +39 347 6959716
Mobile Maddalena: +39 347 1406515

Codice di Identificazione delle struttura Regione Liguria 010056-AGR-001