Contact Us

for more information or to book your stay.


Address: Via Costigliola, 8 – 16049 Santo Stefano d’Aveto (Genova) ITALY
Phone: +39 0185 88018
Mobile Elisabetta: +39 347 6959716
Mobile Maddalena: +39 347 1406515

How to reach us

The nearest airports are in Genoa and Milan.
If you drive please follow these indications:

  • from Genoa, follow the highway toward Livorno until Lavagna, then turn right toward Carasco and follow the indications to Santo Stefano d’Aveto (2.15 hours from the airport)
  • from Milan, follow the highway toward Piacenza until Piacenza Sud, follow the indications toward Bobbio, then toward Marsaglia and from there to Santo Stefano d’Aveto (3 hours from the airport)


LAT 44,544322 – LON 9,452563
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Via Costigliola, 8 - 16049 Santo Stefano d'Aveto

(Genova) ITALY
Phone: +39 0185 88018
Mobile Elisabetta: +39 347 6959716
Mobile Maddalena: +39 347 1406515

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Via Costigliola, 8 - 16049 Santo Stefano d'Aveto (Genova) ITALY
Phone: +39 0185 88018
Mobile Elisabetta: +39 347 6959716
Mobile Maddalena: +39 347 1406515